Nova SBE Sales Lab has joined SHL Portugal to create the Sales Maturity Index, a tool that allows to assess the potential of the sales teams in any organization. The unprecedented project in Portugal promises to leverage the sales strategy of national companies and understand the main challenges facing the sector.
Do you know what digital experimentation is? "It's a digital version of what have been the fundamentals of science and learning since Francis Bacon in the 1600s, applying the same methods to create hypotheses, defining how we can learn about the world around us to draw metrics that inform our decisions," explained Greg Sherwin, Digital Experimentation Specialist at SingularityU Portugal.
Nuno da Silva Vieira believes that law firms have in digital transformation an opportunity to provide safer, more efficient, and client-centric legal services.
Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem opened its doors this Wednesday, 24 November, in a ceremony held at the Carcavelos campus. This innovation ecosystem will bring together applied research centres, teachers, students, start-ups and companies in an open space where innovation, entrepreneurship, education, and research live and grow together to promote sustainable development.
The events of 2020 triggered by the pandemic have made businesses understand that they must prepare for future disruptions, whether they have to do with COVID-19, geopolitical forces, or even climate change. However, to overcome these challenges, companies rely on business agility and resilience.
Ready to learn more about leadership? Refresh your knowledge and get inspired with some books by our teachers and experts. We leave you with five reading suggestions, so that you can delve deeper into the topic and the challenges that leaders face today and that they will face in the future.