
Opinion Articles

Sustainable Business

ESG for Executives: Challenges and Opportunities in the Sustainable Transition

According to a study carried out in 2022 by the Edelman Trust Barometer, 88% of institutional investors put ESG issues alongside operational and financial considerations when making investment decisions; 60% of workers choose a workplace based on their beliefs and values, while 58% of consumers buy or defend brands that match their beliefs. It is therefore natural that a growing number of managers are increasingly seeking to understand how their activity should have other criteria for analyzing a company's risk than those used by the capital markets.
Innovation & Change

The (absurd) paradox of innovation in 2024 and five ideas to deconstruct it

When everyone treats Artificial Intelligence as their salvation, you'd expect innovation to be considered a critical priority by companies. But it's not. Rui Coutinho, Executive Director of NOVA SBE's Innovation Ecosystem, explains why.
Innovation & Change

Chief Innovation Officer? And why not Chief Future Officer?

"Do I need a person on the executive committee with sole responsibility for leading innovation?". This is the question that Rui Coutinho, Executive Director of the Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem, has received most frequently for 25 years. The answer is still the same: "it depends".
Innovation & Change

Accelerating Ecosystems from Business Schools

Alisson Ávila, Head of Innovation at Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem, gives examples of how higher education schools are working with companies to respond to organizational challenges and positively impact society.
Leadership & People

Lifebalance Leadership: the key competence for the challenges of the world of work

Marta Pimentel, Executive Education Director at Nova SBE, explains why "life balance leadership" is not only desirable, but essential in today's world.
Leadership & People

The Competitive Advantage for Leaders in the New Era – Soft Skills

Patrícia Poças, Coach, Facilitator & Consultant, explains why technical skills will not be the most important thing for leaders in the future, but rather soft skills.
Sustainable Business

The marriage between banks and sustainable practices

Rodrigo Tavares, Visiting Professor at Nova SBE, explains why the relationship between banks and sustainability is undeniable and how this area is becoming a fundamental aspect of the financial market.

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