Articles on

Supply Chain & Operations

Supply Chain & Operations

The Vanguard of Procurement Leaders

Procurement and global sourcing have evolved into complex strategic functions that are critical to an organization's success. Pedro Silva Caldeira, Academic Director of the Procurement & Global Sourcing Program, explains what is expected of the procurement area in today's global market.
Supply Chain & Operations

What does Operational Excellence mean to you?

Alberto Silva, Associate Partner at New Angle, explains why Operational Excellence should be seen as "a state in which the level of business performance consistently meets the expectations of customers, shareholders and employees".
Supply Chain & Operations

Reinventing Operations in Portugal

Pedro Caldeira, a specialist in the areas of Operations, Procurement & Supply Chain, explains the current panorama of Operations and how to increase productivity in the sector.
Supply Chain & Operations

Decarbonization transforms raw material distribution chains

Climate commitments are changing global raw materials supply chains, due to the transition to a net zero emissions economy. A new McKinsey study, entitled "The net zero materials transition: implications for supply chains", examines the changes in the distribution chain.
Supply Chain & Operations

Five key factors in warehouse management in 2023

AutoStore has published a new benchmarking report with feedback from over 300 warehouse management business leaders. Respondents indicated that the top three challenges facing organizations today are rising energy costs (32%), rising wages (27%) and supply chain and transportation constraints (26%). Therefore, cost reduction and investment in automation technology are among the priorities.
Supply Chain & Operations

Ten actions for CPOs to overcome current challenges

Working in procurement has never been harder. From supply chain disruptions to rapid price increases and subsequent reductions in transportation rates, from an inflation-ravaged goods economy to social media pressures affecting sales, the job has definitely changed. And not always for the better.
Supply Chain & Operations

Study reveals that digital marketplaces are the future of commerce

The findings of the study "2022 B2B Digital Buyers' Journey: Forces Shaping the Future of Enterprise Procurement" show the forces that are coming between the demand and purchase process for business management software by enterprises.
Supply Chain & Operations

Sectors and markets that will grow the most in 2023

The global slowdown we will go through in 2023 will not affect all business sectors equally. Crédito y Caución has published its detailed growth forecasts for 16 key sectors in 30 markets that allow us to identify which sectors will perform well in Europe, America and Asia.

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