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Digital & Technology

Digital & Technology

Objective: A culture of cybersecurity

Pedro Latoeiro and Filipe Domingues, co-founders of the Center for Cooperation in Cyberspace, explain how the confrontation with cybercrime has become inevitable and there is only one way to face it: to ensure that everyone in the organization is responsible for cybersecurity.
Digital & Technology

José Pedro Almeida: "The computer is not just a tool, it's a teammate"

In the fifth episode of Futurecast, a Nova SBE podcast about the future in various business areas, Filipa Breia da Fonseca, Professor and Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Health Management, and José Pedro Almeida, a specialist in Artificial Intelligence, discuss the advances that technological tools will produce in medicine.
Digital & Technology

Leid Zejnilovic: "The future of education with Artificial Intelligence is simply incredible"

Pedro Oliveira, Dean of the Nova School of Business & Economics, and Leid Zejnilovic, PhD Professor in Technological Change and Entrepreneurship, came together in the third episode of the Futurecast podcast to discuss the future of education and Artificial Intelligence.
Digital & Technology

Those who don't use Artificial Intelligence tools will be left behind

Sandro Costa, Senior Graphic Designer at Nova SBE, explains how Artificial Intelligence tools are changing the landscape in design - and beyond - and how training is crucial to staying relevant in the market.
Digital & Technology

Can Artificial Intelligence make us more human?

A Chinese online games and applications company has appointed a robot equipped with Artificial Intelligence as CEO. Could AI be the prototype CEO we want for our organizations?

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