Innovation & Change

The Transformative Impact of AI on Business

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into business processes is rapidly changing the way organizations operate. A recent workshop organized by the Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem as part of the Innovation Circle, "AI for Innovation", looked at the benefits of incorporating AI into modern business practices.
Leadership & People

Lifebalance Leadership: the key competence for the challenges of the world of work

Marta Pimentel, Executive Education Director at Nova SBE, explains why "life balance leadership" is not only desirable, but essential in today's world.
Leadership & People

The Competitive Advantage for Leaders in the New Era – Soft Skills

Patrícia Poças, Coach, Facilitator & Consultant, explains why technical skills will not be the most important thing for leaders in the future, but rather soft skills.
Digital & Technology

Why training is essential in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer just a futuristic concept, but an everyday reality. From virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa to advanced recommendation systems on Netflix and Amazon platforms, AI is changing the way we live, work, and make decisions. Investing in AI executive programs is no longer a competitive advantage. It's a necessity for all executives and companies who want to remain relevant in the market.
Sustainable Business

The marriage between banks and sustainable practices

Rodrigo Tavares, Visiting Professor at Nova SBE, explains why the relationship between banks and sustainability is undeniable and how this area is becoming a fundamental aspect of the financial market.
Leadership & People

People and Culture Management: a seat at the table for adults

Eduardo Mendes, Executive Director of Nova SBE's Advanced People and Culture Management Program and Managing Partner of Harpoon, explains why "business management was, is and always will be people management".
Digital & Technology

Nova SBE Executive Education | Managing with AI


Nova SBE Executive Education | Postgraduate and Executive Master's Degree Ceremony


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Business & Strategy

Why take Applied Project Management?

The high degree of change and uncertainty in which we live today requires increasingly robust preparation and planning, combined with a measured level of flexibility. The strategy and objectives outlined by both the organization and the individual require basic planning that can only be met with the right project management tools.This program offers a focused analysis of project evaluation, governance and management, which provides continuous skills development, as well as the acquisition of knowledge, tools and techniques that are fundamental to effective and efficient project management.Find out more about the Intensive Program in Applied Project Management here:

Innovation & Change

New SBE Executive Education | Futurecast | Episode 3

In the third episode of Nova School of Business & Economics' #Futurecast v odcast, Miguel Pina e Cunha, Professor at Nova SBE, and Emir Sirage, CEO and COO of AIR Centre, talk about Space as a potential business, an important source of information for several business areas, and an essential resource for the future.

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