The health sector is undergoing unprecedented change because of Artificial Intelligence (AI). José Pedro Almeida, guest professor at the Nova School of Business & Economics (Nova SBE) and an expert on the subject, said it during the fifth episode of Futurecast, the school's podcast on future trends in various business areas.

"We're facing what I would say is the new Internet. And I think most people haven't realized it yet and the impact it's going to have on all industries, and on health in particular, because of the volume of data it generates and the way it's lagging behind other industries when it comes to using AI," explained the expert, in conversation with Filipa Breia da Fonseca, Professor at Nova SBE and Coordinator of the Postgraduate program in Healthcare Management.

The introduction of AI is already being felt and delivering more and better results, as "we are entering a phase in which the computer is not just a tool but is starting to become a teammate". These systems can lighten the workload of healthcare professionals, help prevent illnesses rather than treat them, and even educate patients about their ailments.

"We're going to get to the doctor's office much sooner than we do today. I imagine this will happen not in ten years, but probably in five," he added.

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