Why is it imperative to talk about these issues these days? For Ana Moniz there is no doubt: recent studies show that one in five people will, at some point in their lives, have a mental health diagnosis. Besides this, research underlines that common mental illnesses affect 30% of the working population and are the greatest cause of disability. Portugal is the second country in Europe with the highest prevalence of psychiatric illness and one of the countries with the highest consumption of psychotropic drugs.
"It's important to understand how we got here," explained the psychologist, during one of the talks at the Adam's Choice programme, ensuring that this data reveals that "we pay too little attention to our emotional well-being, we let ourselves get to extreme levels, and often, at this stage, we don't always seek the appropriate help."
And, in fact, at few times in the modern world has it been so important to talk about wellness and emotional health as in the last year and a half. In fact, if there was one positive thing that the pandemic revealed, it was the need to normalize these themes. Demystifying mental health, promoting self-knowledge, and knowing how to interpret emotions are not only relevant in the private sphere. These attitudes should also be transposed to the professional world, making the office a "safe place" - a place that makes us feel comfortable, safe, self-confident and serene.
Do you know which emotions should be most associated with a safe workspace?
Would you like to know more about your emotions? Join the great learning and self-knowledge journey of Adam's Choiceto discover how to change your mindset, so you can make better choices.
The programme Adam's Choice is intrinsically linked to the concept of Choosenology. Each participant is taught about the impact of the decision-making process, reflecting on their individuality and gaining self-awareness on a unique and transformative journey of growth. It provides participants with a unique learning experience and gives them the opportunity to develop more holistically, encompassing body, mind and spirit, addressing the six dimensions of the National Institute of Wellbeing (emotional, spiritual, intellectual, social, physical and occupational).