Note: As part of my recently completed Postgraduate Diploma in People and Talent Management at Nova School of Business & Economics, one of the individual papers I submitted for assessment (in January 2020) was on managing remote teams. This is a topic that has been dear to my heart for a long time; little did I know at the time I wrote about it that it would become of interest to so many people a few months later, unfortunately not for the best of reasons. I share parts of my essay here, in order to give a few more clues to those trying out this way of working for the first time.
Science fiction films about the migration of the human species to other planets in space may be about to become a reality. And that transition will require a sustainable economy, on and off Earth. Do you realise the potential of the space market?
Of all the wonderful things we are taught throughout our lives, why aren't we also taught to think? Is it because it is believed that we will learn to think, naturally, like breathing? Or by imitating others, like pressing the buttons of a shirt? But how do others think so well? Did someone, before, teach them how to think?
Manuel Tânger, co-founder of Beta-i and speaker at SU Portugal, guarantees that more than 12 years of experience working with start-ups made him see that there is a mentality behind these businesses that is important in times of exponential growth.
Do you dare talk about wellbeing? Ana Moniz, psychotherapist and psychologist with over 20 years' experience, explains why it is so important to talk about mental health and emotional wellbeing at home and in the workplace.
Companies of all backgrounds realise that to be effective and meet the challenges in today's demanding environment they need different leadership tools and organisational capabilities from those that helped them succeed in the past.