Articles from 

Nova SBE Executive Education

Business & Strategy

General Management Course: "I should have done this programme earlier. It was spectacular!"

The General Management Course is the postgraduate course with the most editions in the Nova SBE Executive Education portfolio, and the next one is about to start. With a benchmark programme in the market and a unique format, its mission is to transform experienced managers into the leaders of tomorrow. We know it is a transformative training, but nothing is more rewarding than hearing from our alumni.
Estoril Conferences

Estoril Conferences celebrate 10 years with a new home and identity

The Estoril Conferences are back in 2022 and celebrate their 10th anniversary with many new features. This 7th edition will feature a new website, a new identity, signature and management, now assumed by Nova School of Business & Economics (Nova SBE).
Digital & Technology

"Without people we will not be able to make any transformation in others", Vanda de Jesus

Executive Director of Portugal Digital, the Government's digital transformation programme for the country, is the cover figure of January's PME Magazine and the guest in the online presentation of the 19th edition.
Finance & Economics

5 training courses you should invest in if you have an SME

In times of uncertainty and transformation, the best strategy is to anticipate scenarios and embrace change. Prepare for tomorrow, now: invest in the future by investing in training.
Leadership & People

Mindfulness: a key to maintaining focus during confinement

2020 was a turbulent year and 2021 got off to a rocky start, paving the way for a second confinement. The current state of emergency and the whole situation caused by the pandemic of COVID-19 may seem like a catastrophe. To tell the truth, life on this planet can seem like a real catastrophe. However, there are daily behaviours we can adopt to counteract these negative thoughts.

Programme created in partnership with Morais Leitão is highlighted by the Financial Times

The first edition of the intensive training programme of Morais Leitão, co-created with Nova SBE Executive Education, was launched.
Supply Chain & Operations

Packaging must serve e-Commerce and the environment

DHL launched a study this year, 'Rethinking Packaging', which offers a comprehensive look at the future of packaging in the logistics industry as, according to it, "current packaging systems have a significant environmental footprint".
Sustainable Business

"This transformation cannot ignore sustainability" - Pedro Oliveira

Pedro Oliveira, scientific coordinator of the Paradigm Shift programme and holder of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Chair for Impact Economics, talks a little about the initiative that will take place in November and December. The Paradigm Shift is a programme that seeks to transform organisations towards a sustainable future.

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