Articles from 

Nova SBE Executive Education


CIP and Nova SBE join forces to develop female talent

Last November 18th, CIP - Confederação Empresarial de Portugal presented the Promova Project, which will be carried out in partnership with Nova SBE and aims to identify and develop female talents with leadership potential.

Nova SBE reinforces its leading position in the Executive Education market in 2020

The new offer goes beyond traditional executive training, affirming Nova SBE Executive Education as a partner in the transformation of people and companies with a view to the future.

5 Back to Work Podcasts recommended by Nova SBE Executive Education teachers

Podcasts are the new entertainment buzz. These series of audio episodes have been gaining followers in recent years and the teachers at Nova SBE Executive Education are no exception. Therefore, we have compiled a list of podcast suggestions to start preparing the new year, recommended by our teachers who have already been carried away by this wave.
Leadership & People

10 Reasons to invest in training

Learning is a journey for life: personally and professionally. As such, one would expect investment in training to remain constant throughout one's professional career, but we are still a long way from that reality. In this context, the question that arises among executives is: why invest? In this article, we present 10 reasons why you should invest in your training, supported by the testimonials of Nova SBE executive training students.

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