The digital world is constantly changing and pandemic has sharpened the need to accelerate the digitalisation process, opening the way to new technologies and business opportunities. Do you know how new digital trends can positively affect your customers' consumer journey?
You master stories, likes, shares, content and performance, but do you know everything about social networks and audience monitoring tools? The area of Marketing and Communication has undergone major changes in recent years, boosted by the digital transformation. It is important, therefore, to keep abreast of new trends in the market.
Nova SBE won the bronze in the category Activity Sectors - Science and Education of the 2020 Media & Advertising Marketing Awards. The 7th edition of the event took place this Thursday and counted with a record number of entries.
In the future, the supermarket where you buy your essentials may be closer than you think. It could be on the roof of the building or in the kitchen itself. Intrigued?
The 3rd edition of the START and CO. 2020 innovation programme saw four winning projects emerge, which will help Nestlé innovate in the areas of nutrition, health, well-being and sustainability.
Are you ready to lead the future of your company? The current challenges show us that it is important to be prepared for the adversities of change, a true premise for all employees, but especially for those in leadership positions.
In a world of constant change, we embrace innovation. Nova SBE Executive Education has created a solution with impact and an eye on the future - Horizon Studio -, a learning experience that transcends the boundaries of space and time.