2020 was a challenging year. To better understand this scenario, Mercado Eletrónico has prepared a guide with some reflections and learnings. There are 10 lessons that remain and that you can take into account in your day-to-day life.
For Manuel Tânger, co-founder of Beta-i and speaker at SU Portugal, these are the main skills a leader needs to have to succeed in a world of exponential change.
While the focus is also on market survival and employee wellbeing, equating future scenarios has never been more pressing. Learn about some consumer trends that can impact your business.
The LusÃadas Group continues to invest in training to meet the challenges of the current context and was the sponsor of the first two editions of the Postgraduate Course in Health Management. What is your assessment of this partnership?
Nova School of Business & Economics and Nova School of Law have united, in a partnership of excellence, to do more and better for executive education in Law, creating Nova School of Law Executive Education.
The Inclusive Community Forum recorded a series of testimonials with companies that have pledged to sign the Commitment to Inclusion, about the challenges they have faced, the strategies used to overcome them and suggestions they would give to other organisations that are on the path to inclusive recruitment.