It is very difficult to be a leader. It was in the past, and it is in the present. The good thing about being a leader today is that there is a lot of shared information about knowledge and experience, available in courses, books, talking to other leaders. The problem is: your success. Because leadership is changing so fast, as fast as technology, as well as the people using these technologies, the users and consumers, that the rules of tomorrow's leadership are not the same as in the past. So all these courses and books, if they are not up to date, to the minute, will not be useful," he added.
For Manuel Tangier, the current context is especially challenging because "the world is evolving in an exponential and non-linear curve", so fast that it makes intuitive learning difficult. Thus, "without a doubt, the exponential mindsetis the key to the future". And wanting to learn about these themes will certainly be the factor that will give any business a competitive advantage.
"It will change its behaviour, its business and its leadership style so that it can adapt to the future."
Did you already know our speaker? Manuel Tangier is a specialist in Disruption, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He has a Master's degree in Physics from Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa, where he concluded with a final thesis supervised by the 1999 Nobel Prize in Physics, Gerard t'Hooft, at Utrecht University.
He has lived in many different countries during his life: Brazil, China, India, Holland, Italy, Canada, Belgium and, of course, Portugal. In 2009, Manuel co-founded Beta-i, an organisation that actively promotes entrepreneurship and innovation worldwide.
He has helped several global companies, such as Airbus, Nestlé, Nokia, Cisco, Novartis, EDP, Ageas, Deloitte, and many others, to define and design innovation strategies.