We have all been part of a team at some point in our lives, whether at work, at school or in our personal lives. However, I am sure that not every group you have been part of has worked well, and you need to assess the reason for this failure.

n a professional context, you will probably have to be part of a team sooner or later. This need to work with other people can bring overwhelming benefits to the organisation and enrich the professional life of each of the members, but it can also prove to be a real challenge, especially if the tasks are not carefully outlined.

Teamwork requires time, dedication and openness. Not just from the leaders, but from everyone in the team. Remember: teams are built in a haphazard way to achieve a certain goal, yet each person who makes up the team is an individual with aspirations and preferences. It is important to know each person's personality and motivations and to allow for failure. Error has its benefits and opportunities, and can help the group grow.

In the video below, I leave you with seven practical tips, to help you improve your team's performance :

This is the second video in a series dedicated to personal growth. This project is part of the Adam's Choicewhich is intrinsically linked to the concept of Choosenology. Each participant is taught about the impact of the decision-making process, reflecting on their individuality and gaining self-awareness on a unique and transformative journey of growth.

Coaching has been gaining a central importance in the personal and work field, and is an integral part of the journey of the Adam's Choiceprogramme at Nova SBE Executive Education. This programme provides participants with a unique learning experience and gives them the opportunity to develop more holistically, encompassing body, mind and spirit, addressing the six dimensions of the National Institute of Well-Being (emotional, spiritual, intellectual, social, physical and occupational).

It is in the transformation and growth phase that participants receive practical tools to apply in their daily lives. Aiming to present differentiated ways of learning, Patrícia Guerreiro, one of the executive coaches at Adam's Choice, shares "Tips and Tricks" with the participants, in the form of videos lasting between 5 and 8 minutes. This content, shared on a weekly basis, aims to address the struggles that the participants themselves share in the individual sessions.

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