According to a study carried out in 2022 by the Edelman Trust Barometer, 88% of institutional investors put ESG issues alongside operational and financial considerations when making investment decisions; 60% of workers choose a workplace based on their beliefs and values, while 58% of consumers buy or defend brands that match their beliefs. It is therefore natural that a growing number of managers are increasingly seeking to understand how their activity should have other criteria for analyzing a company's risk than those used by the capital markets.
Rodrigo Tavares, Visiting Professor at Nova SBE, explains why the relationship between banks and sustainability is undeniable and how this area is becoming a fundamental aspect of the financial market.
In a world increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability, companies face growing pressure to align their strategic and business objectives with the well-being of the planet and its people.
"Sustainability" has long since become part of the consumer lexicon, and is even a priority for many. But with the growth of the "green" culture, examples of greenwashing have also multiplied in an attempt to attract a more environmentally conscious clientele. Learn how to spot them.
Miguel Ferreira, Professor at Nova SBE, says that the results of several studies indicate that workers accept 10% lower salaries when they work for companies in more sustainable sectors such as health, education and recycling.
"In the coming years, your competitiveness and longevity will depend on a new factor that most of you are not yet prepared for: corporate sustainability". The warning comes from Rodrigo Tavares, guest professor at Nova SBE, who wrote an article about the eight sources of pressure that will force us to be sustainable "in a very short period of time".
Will the recent Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), formally adopted by the European Union on November 28, 2022, end greenwashing? This question was the starting point of another Collision Talks promoted by Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem, which brought together a panel of experts and a representative of the European Commission, on March 30, to discuss the impact of the new regulation that promises to bring more sustainability to companies in the European Union (EU).
The biggest reform of the banking system in the last decade is underway and will last at least until the end of 2024. All to ensure a more sustainable system. Who guarantees it is Rodrigo Tavares, visiting professor at Nova SBE