Articles from 

Nova SBE Executive Education

Business & Strategy

General Management Course - Joana Rivotti's testimony

We follow the experience of Joana Rivotti, a medical doctor by training, who decided to completely change her professional path and participated in the General Management Course (GGC) to acquire new skills and experience good networking in the expectation that new doors will open to start her own business.
Business & Strategy

General Management Course - The testimony of Dionora Botelho

We followed the experience of Dionora Botelho, a professional in the insurance sector, who was looking to enrich her professional path and experience with a more up-to-date academic training. After a search for the ideal programme, the General Management Course (CGG) stood out for its innovative aspect and the transversal way in which it responds to the main areas within the management of an organisation.
Business & Strategy

General Management Course - The testimony of Amaro Freire

We followed the experience of Amaro Freire, Director of one of the companies of the Cimpor Group, with a long career in training in the management area, who joined the General Management Course (CGG) through his company, in order to review and update knowledge in this area to meet the objectives set to impact his professional life.
Business & Strategy

General Management Course - Carlos Enes's experience

We followed the experience of Carlos Enes, Managing Director at EcoFirma, who chose the General Management Course (CGG) for its teaching staff and the opportunity to interact with different profiles of participants, from the most varied areas.
Business & Strategy

Nova SBE launches course on Cultural Heritage Management in partnership with Spira

Nova SBE launched the first program for executives in Cultural Heritage Management in Portugal, in partnership with Spira and sponsored by the Millennium BCP Foundation. The 1st edition is scheduled to start on 16 February 2018 and will run until 22 June.
Innovation & Change

Entrepreneurship: Having a (good) idea is half the battle

The success of an entrepreneurship project depends on a number of factors coming together to solve the existence of a problem - this is called having an idea and should be the first step of any entrepreneur. Read on and discover 5 ways to have ideas based on Applied Knowledge!
Leadership & People

Portuguese Football Federation launches course for leaders in partnership with Nova SBE

The Portuguese Football Federation, through Portugal Football School, officially launched the first executive training for sports leaders and managers, whose program content was developed in partnership with Nova SBE Executive Education.

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