In organizations, Marketing is the area most focused on the consumer and the Customer. Professionals in this field have to keep up with the major behavioral transformations in society dictated, among other factors, by technology and digitalization. The discipline of Marketing continues to undergo rapid transformation and needs to integrate more and more branches of knowledge, which is a constant and exciting challenge for those who live and breathe this activity.

In addition to the need to hold and update knowledge about brand building, communication and CRM, in the last two decades marketers have had to:

- understand the digitalization of consumer behavior and digital platforms

- keeping up with the explosion in digital commerce and brands' online presence(e-commerce, Social Media presence, Site/App Analytics, ...)

- master the use of data and predictive AI to optimize campaigns, improving the consumer experience and personalizing messages at scale(cookies, tracking, digital audiences, dynamic creatives, 1st party data, etc.)

Without pausing to let the dust settle, Generative AI emerges "now". This technology has the potential to revolutionize not only marketing but society as a whole! Brands and marketers are looking to integrate and take advantage of this new technology in their processes and understand how it will affect consumer behavior/expectations. Compared to Predictive AI, they have the great advantage of being mathematical models that are much closer to our senses - sight and hearing - and our way of communicating - Portuguese, English, etc. with the possibility of being used massively in many of our day-to-day tasks.

Generative AI will have a transversal impact on Marketing: on the way market research is carried out, on the ideation and production of creativity, on the definition of strategy and the tactical planning of campaigns, on their execution and optimization, on the entire reporting and advanced measurement component, on the improvement of sales processes and the Customer experience, on the personalization of communication and the offer, among others.

GroupM, as part of the world's largest media house - WPP - has in its DNA the constant development and integration of technologies that allow it to be an integral part of evolution. Guided by the vision of creating the next era of media, where advertising works better for people, GroupM is now pleased to be able to share, in partnership with Nova SBE, its knowledge and experience in using Artificial Intelligence to respond to previous challenges, designing and implementing tomorrow today. 

The Program AI for Marketing Excellence has been specifically designed to provide participants with a solid conceptual perspective on AI possibilities in marketing, interspersed with hands-on exercises to cement knowledge.

The Program covers a broad spectrum of marketing needs and can be summarized in the following topics:

- Integrating AI into marketing strategies;

- Generative AI in brand-building strategies;

- How to assess the degree of maturity in the use of AI in marketing in the organization;

- Scalable platforms for implementing predictive and generative AI;

- Digital Analytics, measurement and data;

- e-Commerce and AI to improve sales performance;

- 1st Party Audiences, Bidding Algorithms and Predictive AI;

- Marketing Analytics, predictive and generative AI


It will be a pleasure to share our experience and knowledge and help prepare the next generation of Marketeers. See you soon!

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AI for Marketing Excellence
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