The Nova SBE Sustainability Journey - a collection of educational programmes, events and conferences, debates and cultural activities dedicated to sustainability - has already started. Pedro Brito, Associate Dean of Nova School of Business & Economics, explains why it is so important to bring together universities, companies and decision-makers to address current sustainability challenges.

What is the purpose of the Nova SBE Sustainability Journey?

Our vision of becoming a school with an increasing impact on society requires us to be active players in the promotion of learning spaces on sustainability issues. We believe that more and better education on how companies and decision-makers can contribute to a more prosperous society, increases the sense of urgency, and makes the use of fundamental tools in the transformation process of organisations more relevant.

Can each participant design their own journey? How is the event organised?

Yes, through the event's application, all participants have access to more than 30 moments prepared for this special week. The application allows not only to register in the different dynamics but also to establish contact with hundreds of people who are already registered in Nova SBE's sustainability journey.

Why is it important that these types of events are developed in a university environment, bringing together leaders, experts, organisations, and the Academia?

We want to create spaces for dialogue between these different actors so that we can learn and build solutions that respond to some of the challenges we encounter in our organisations and in society in general. In our opinion, radical collaboration between companies will offer much more consistent results, capable of influencing the market to make better decisions. Decisions that have a positive impact on our future and the future of the next generations.

See the full program of the
Nova SBE Sustainability Journey
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