Apart from strengthening and updating knowledge and skills and the legal obligation that training per se represents for companies, there are some less obvious reasons for investing in training.

eaining talent continues to be one of the greatest challenges faced by organisations. The involvement and predisposition of employees to training, as well as the possibility to learn and progress in a work context, are some of the factors that favourably influence talent retention. Nova SBE has gathered 5 less obvious reasons to invest in training and, consequently, promote talent retention in organizations:

#1 Makes you an essential element in your team

By being able to perform different functions and respond to the various needs of the organisation, you automatically become a valuable asset. More than ever, the secret of success lies in differentiation and in the added value you represent for your team and your company. 

#2 Helps networking

If you think about it, the trainings are given by experts in a certain area and bring together professionals from the same or different areas, which makes them excellent networking opportunities where you can find precious contacts. Participating in these training courses promotes the sharing of experiences and knowledge in a group.

#3 Avoids wasting time and money due to mistakes

It's a given: when an untrained employee makes a mistake, it means the work has to be redone. This means twice as much time is used and the truth is that time is sometimes synonymous with money. Errors and inefficiencies made can lead to inadequate and non-optimised product/project deliveries to customers and, in the worst case scenario, the company may lose customers. Do you want to take this risk?

#5 Increases employee satisfaction and trust

Like any human, employees have weaknesses or gaps in their skills - whether soft skills or hard skills. If someone feels inadequate or insufficient in the work they do, they are probably (very probably indeed) not happy either. And dissatisfaction leads to loss of quality in the execution of the work. The truth is that employees with the possibility to update their knowledge and develop their skills tend to be more satisfied and motivated to stay and grow the company.

#5 Increases the company's competitiveness

Investing in training is a strategic decision that prepares organisations to respond more effectively to the constant changes and demands of the market. The value of a company increases significantly when it invests in the qualification of its human capital, since training allows an increase in the global know-how of its employees and contributes to the improvement of productivity rates. On the other hand, having satisfied and motivated employees stimulates their proactivity and creativity!

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