Articles from 

Nadim Habib

Innovation & Change

5 deadly sins of the entrepreneur

Starting a company is tempting. The eulogy of the entrepreneur is nowadays exacerbated, full of success stories from Silicon Valley: the garage company that became Fortune 500, the start-up sold for millions or the eccentric life of someone who became a multimillionaire overnight. However, the truth is that not everything translates into a megalomaniac marketing campaign, and achieving this status is not only unlikely, but also implies a lot of work, a lot of time and a lot of mistakes.
Business & Strategy

What does the Portuguese football team teach us about management?

Football is the sport that adds the most fans in Portugal. I've lived here for over 20 years and I can't remember seeing a nation suffer as much as in the last 15 minutes of the game against France in the last European championship. Deep down any Portuguese man and woman thought that, even though they were winning, everything could go wrong. But, this time, it didn't.

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