Articles from 

Filipa Castanheira

Leadership & People

What is the profile of the business leader of the future?

Filipa Castanheira, Scientific Coordinator of the
Leadership & People

The future now: The managers we have and the managers we need

We urgently need leaders of the future, but not necessarily new people. These new managers should focus on the development and expression of the competencies of the workers that make up the organisations. These people are already in the companies, but they are often "hidden" behind management systems that do not give space or time to prioritize the vectors and the most appropriate activities.
Leadership & People

Female Leadership

For decades, organisations have been trying to improve diversity in the workplace, albeit with little success. Despite the fact that studies and business cases show that it is desirable and beneficial to have women in top positions in organisations, in Portugal, as in the rest of the world, there is still a marked under-representation of women in decision-making and leadership positions in organisations.

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